Our Services

What we Do Best


We work with our clients to achieve their goals and aspirations, including:

  • Contract and agreement negotiation and drafting;
  • Legislation, By-law and policy development;
  • Legislative and policy review.


Areas of Practice

Working for you

We have a broad professional nework with other lawyers and experts and will customize a team to meet your specific needs. 

Advocacy and Litigation Experience

Our lawyers have extensive advocacy experience in a variety of settings – before the courts, commissions and administrative tribunals.

Our lawyers represent children and youth involved in child intervention matters before the courts.  Appointments are made through the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate.

Weber Law is actively involved in advocacy on behalf of the rights of Indigenous women in Canada.

Our lawyers intervened in the Alberta Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. Barton on behalf of the Esquao: Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women and LEAF.

Aboriginal Law

In our delivery of the highest standard of legal service we collaborate with our clients to ensure that the work we do is firmly grounded in clients’ unique values and goals.

In all of our practice areas we seek to ensure that the law is used as an agent for positive change for Indigenous communities.

Child & Family Services

We offer legal representation for children and youth in Child Intervention matters and provide law and policy development with Indigenous Nations to affirm and reclaim jurisdiction over child and family services.

Our team delivers services with:

  • Proposal development; ongoing assessments and final evaluations.
  • Community-based research, community and stakeholder engagement.
  • Support governing bodies with shaping governance operations.
  • Training stakeholders in understanding policy and its practical applications.
  • Dispute Resolution mechanism development.


We provide advice and services to Indigenous governments on governance and management issues, and legislative and policy development. 

Our ground-breaking work includes development and codification of First Nation laws and policy relating to child and family services and constitution building.

Our Involvement

Supporting our Communities

Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls

Weber Law actively participated in the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls representing the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women.


Justice for Cindy Gladue

An Alberta Court of Appeal Justice in 2016 ruled the two groups Lisa Weber represented would be allowed to intervene in the appeal, which resulted in a retrial – and a guilty charge – for manslaughter to the perpetrator who had previously been acquited for the crimes he committed.

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Our lawyers have been invited to present before various organizations across Canada on Aboriginal legal issues, including the National Judicial Institute, the Canadian Bar Association, and the Indigenous Bar Association.

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About Lisa

Over 20 years of experience

Lisa has been a lawyer for twenty years.  For 9 of those years she was an adjudicator and then Deputy Chief Adjudicator presiding over claims of former students of Indian Residential Schools for sexual and physical abuse they endured at those institutions, presiding over hearings and appeals through western Canada and the NWT.

Get In Touch

6 + 3 =

Suite 300, 10209 – 97 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 0l6